A note from the editor

posted: 2009-02-21
As I was listening to the recent news regarding cricket tycoon Sir Robert Stanford who had disappeared off the radar I was going reminded of a story a wrote a while back insinuating the reason the US army couldnít find Saddam Hussein was because he was hiding in 1850 (better than a hole in the ground outside Tikrit). I made up a fake lift pass with his photo etc. Suffice to say it went down quite well. Anyway before I could do something similar the Federal government found him outside Viginnia. Damn the efficiency of the FEDS. According to a Monsignor at the Vatican weíre all sinners, which if you knew what goes on between seasonnaires isnít surprising. Apparently pride ranks only at No 5 for men, who are likely to have indulged in so much lust and gluttony that they are too slothful to feel angry, proud, envious or avaricious. Women are not averse to lust, but are primarily occupied with pride, envy and anger. Sloth does not set in until after gluttony and avarice. With the subject of sinners fresh in my mind it was mentioned to me that the enquirer should be renamed the Matt and Carolineshow due to their almost weekly anecdotes. Thursday night was the start of private chalet girl Tashís birthday and gave ample excuse for some of the revellers to demonstrate Gluttony. Matt, exactly how much chocolate cake can I stick in your mouth in one go? After repeated warnings Pete(Jump) escalated a food fight from pieces of cake to bucket of iced water. A rather soggy and wined up Caroline then brought a little wrath to the party needing at least 3 people to initially restrain her. Pete might be a veteran of Iraq but Iím sure they donít teach you how to handle drunken Carolines in RAF training.