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Issue 67

One of the many things a bang on about every season is the need to socialise with people outside of your own company. It’s all too easy to spend an evening in a little huddle of your co-workers. I always wonder after spending the whole day working together what do you have to talk about of an evening? This is especially pertentant as the resort is currently solely inhabited by fellow workers.

Luckily this season there are several companies, whose workers are “mixing” with each other. If I were a mathematician I might draw a three sided geometric shape with Flexiski, Scott Dunn and Powder White linked by various, for want of a better description, tonsil cleaning moments. Whether it be Alex(Flexi) on Alex(SD) action or other people, who due to their responsible position, will remain nameless (for now).

So to everyone else go and meet 5 new people from outside your own company this week. Now despite my love of double entendres I don’t mean “meet” in the crude Ben Williams way (ie. wake up next to naked). A simple 15 minute conversation over an alcoholic beverage were you end up remembering the persons name the next time you meet. I guarantee it will make your season better.

The editor

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A to Z of Courchevel for seasonnaires 2012

A is for… Apres, the little ritual where everyone celebrate the closing of the lifts by getting walloped on hot red wine until they forget which chalet they were staying in. (Ideal t-shirt to go with that).
B is for… The bar, Le Bubble, Ballon Ballai, Bring your sisters and Berroca.
C is for… Chalet girl arse, well that’s what comes from spending 5 months eating too much bread/cake, drinking too much beer/wine and not doing enough skiing.
D is for… Duct tape, Indispensible for holding together those new gloves, jacket, salopettes. Do enough seasons and your gloves will have more tape than glove.
E is for… Enquirer, but you knew that already.
F is for… Fox, The Funky one to be more precise.
G is for… Greece, Thanks to them the French Franc is suddenly looking like a good investment. Conversely the Euro is actually starting to weaken giving you slightly more for your pound sterling. Your 5 euro pint will now cost you £4.60 instead of £4.90
H is for… Hotels. Apparently only Paris has more luxe hotels per square foot than Courchevel.
I is for… Ice. Good in a drink, bad when it’s under ski.
J is for… Jägerbombs. A curious drink that involves dropping shots of Jäger into a half glass of redbull resulting in most of it splashing all over the bar.
K is for… Killimandjaro, You know those very affluent people who come to Courchevel, well this is where they stay. So good they just built a second larger one.
L is for… Lescorchevel, The pizzeria down in Le Praz.
M is for…. Milk. Not the crappy UHT that the French so love. The new (fresh) Milk bar in 1850. A good excuse NOT to go down to the Funky Fox.
N is for... Neige. No matter how much falls throughout the season you will always want more. You will also constantly bitch about how much more fell last season or in that other resort on the other side of the planet. Get over it and make do with what you have.
O is for… Oligarchs, because according to the Daily Mail Courchevel is awash with Roman Abramovich and his Hummer driving Russian chums and their hookers.
P is for…. Physios. If you manage not to break anything you might twist/sprain something. Interesting talking points include photo opportunities at the summit of Mont Valon.
Q is for … Queues. Despite constantly upgrading the lift system there are places where you have to wait. Stop bitching about the wait for Biolay and be thankful you weren’t here 10 years ago.
R is for … Refuge & Racqulette, Basically so much cheese you should have the local hospitals cardiology dept on speed dial.
S is for…. Ski lodge Sundays. An excuse for some people to have lunch and then get hammered in La Tania.
T is for … Three valley rally, possibly the most amazing seasonnaire race. Scott Dunn are the defending champions (see also cheating physios)
U is for… Ugg boots, or judging by the damp/mud/vomit encrusted state of them mid-season ‘Urrrh boots’
V is for… Vegans, One of several words a chalet host doesn’t want to hear (along with fruitariant & lactose intolerance) when have to create a weeks meal plan.
W is for… Wine. Chalet wine is sometimes described as the urine of satan after a hefty portion of asparagus but thankfully contains no lead and will only cause harm if swallowed. Chalet grade designed to numb your taste buds and numb the pain from those annoying punters.
X is for… X-rays, You know that kicker you built and the switch 1080 you set your sights on. Odds are you will probably end up in Moutiers A&E with a nice piece of medical photography.
Y is for…. Yellow snow – Don’t eat!
Z is for … Zamboni, the machine that resurfaces the ice rink. Well you try thinking of something relevant that begins with a Z.

Apres Ski and Walloped Apres ski T-shirts

Forget keeping calm and carrying on in the alps you need to Apres Ski and get walloped. Available in Red, Navy Blue and a few in Green they are available.

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