Debbie does - Goggle Eyes

posted: 2009-03-14
Judging by the weather this week it appears to be that time of year again when the sun really starts to shine, the shorts come out, the thermals go in and if you listen carefully you can hear the sweet hum of flip flops on concrete. It therefore only seems appropriate to raise the age-old question; are goggle marks cool?
I have had many a sleepless night over this significant debate and I canít quite honestly get off the fence. On the one hand, it is what a clearly defined goggle mark represents that makes it cool, signifying long afternoons spent on the mountain, demis on terraces and chats on chairlifts. However one cannot escape the plain old fact that a stripy burnt face just does not look too good.
So in the words of Baz Luhrmann, ëIf I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it,í and create the perfect goggle marks responsibly and you will look cool. Bring on the Summer!