To tip or not to tip that is the question?

posted: 2009-03-14
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer outrageous fortune or alternatively to receive a little something at the end of week.
The subject of tipping has reared itís ugly head again.
What is the acceptable amount to tip your chalet staff? If anything? Do you believe that youíve already paid for your ski holiday and in this current financial climate that regardless of your demands on the chalet girl/chef they are just part of the service?
At this point Steve Buchemiís Mr pink tipping dialog from Reservoir dogs is essential viewing. Watch the dvd or have type ìDogs Tippingî into Youtube. Itís 3.30 minutes well spent.
Basically most staff get paid shit and this year because they are paid in pounds they are receiving even less. They rely on their tips to get through the season. Realistically no one does a season purely for financial gain but they should be able to afford a few drinks to numb the pain of over demanding guests.
Personally, and this goes back to when I was a punter in the 90s, I think the absolute minimum should be 10 euros (100FF) per adult. The equivalent of a couple of beers. Not very much nowadays I think youíll agree. Excluding chalet hotels most chalets are staffed to a ratio of 8 guests to 1 staff and taking into account kids that means an average tip of 50 euros a week. For chalet hotels the large number of staff results in less per person.
For punters who think that leaving their duty free booze instead of tip is acceptable, IT ISNíT. Realistically you wouldnít take a half empty bottle of gin back to the UK with you so although itís a nice gesture itís no replacement for cash.
Finally there are a few exceptions where you have a good reason not to tip. These include if you contract food poisoning from the chalet food (twice), If the chalet girl gets off with your significant other (twice).