posted: 15-03-2008
Former Picnics on the Piste, Ben, and Jonny (Ski Higher) got a little rambunksious as their wedgie war escalated. Not satisfied with simply flossing between each others buttocks it escalated until their underpants could no longer take the strain and started to disintegrate. Instead of just discarding the spent underwear it was felt that the waistbands should be changed to

posted: 08-03-2008
I bet you are all wondering when the two bits of fibular in my left leg are finally going to fuse. If anyone knows then please let me know because I haven't a clue and neither it seems do the doctors. Every time I visit the surgery I always leave disappointed with more x-rays and assorted prescriptions. I think Iím personnally financing Dr Blancs retirment fund.This wee

posted: 08-03-2008
I know it is a bit of a taboo subject that is rarely mention but the phenomenon which is collectively known as 'Chalet girl arse' is starting to shows it effects around resort. After a 3 month diet that would make Dr Atkins turn in his grave the consumption of cake, French bread, pasta, vache and beer are starting to show their effects. Once petit figures are now straini

posted: 08-03-2008
Players of playstations will have probably come across the acronym GTA. Instead of Grand theft Auto this acronym denotes the winter version Grand Theft Skidoo. Last week Andy(Mark Warner) while crossing the piste outside Kalico came across a snow mobile with the engine running. The temptation was almost unbearable and before you knew it Andy was astride the machine and rev

posted: 08-03-2008
Following an edict from up above it has been made clear to me that from now on any mention of Georgie will no longer be followed by an association with any specific tour operator.

posted: 01-03-2008
I know you've secretly been asking for it and after several weeks absence one of the Powder white Two (to use the popular collective vernacular) is back in print. This time as a result of a big night in TJ's. And boy, did George not disappoint. Clad in a wet tshirt with ice cube nipples. I'm in editorial heaven! After warming up at the Ronny James and Matt returned to shar