An Apology

posted: 2007-02-10
I would like to apologise to Mrs Peters. In the first issue of the enquirer, while introducing the L'equipe barstaff, I stated at the bottom of Abbie's article that she was running a blog throughout the winter at This of course is NOT a blog by Abbie but an Australian lesbian porn site (don't ask me how I found this). Unfortunately the joke was completely wasted in resort as nobody bothered to check the address. The only person who had checked the address was probably the most least suitable person to do so. Sorry Mrs Peters.
I would like to make it clear that, as well as having nothing to do with such filth; Abbie is a good girl and after regularly working an 18 hour days is tucked up in her bed, dreaming about more ways of making more profit for Mr Harris. (and not hunky New Zealand sheep shearers)