posted: 24-01-2009
 - Courchevel Enquirer
Dark Horses But it was the relatively unknown and ironically named team of Powderwhite to make it to the final. Ironic because it contained only 1 member of the company. It should have really been called Ski Higher team 4 plus a Powerwhite manager. Enough of these trifling Symantecs though. Thanks to the excellent, almost symbiotic, team work of Dan(Ski Higher) and h

posted: 24-01-2009
 - Courchevel Enquirer
As team nice started to leave the forum, Pete, still superheroed up, was stopped by a passing limo and invited inside by two lovely Russian ladies and driven down to the Les Caves where he was tempted with bottles of free booze. Unbeknownst to the Russians CA had previously discovered in Les Caves that his version of kryptonite happens to be copious amount of vodka

posted: 24-01-2009
At the beginning of the week our favourite curly haired Skiworld rep got more than she bargained for on her pub crawl. I donít whether it was the smell of Ben Gay or the attraction of the older gentlemen but Jill ended up with an aged tongue in her mouth.Jill is currently spplying for a summer job as a Saga 65-80 rep.

posted: 03-01-2009
Looking at this photo the only giveaway of some sort of injury would be the slight glimpse of the crutches. Debbie(Inghams) has the unfortunate accolade of probably suffering what was the last injury of 2008. She fell victim to classic case of Bellcotte Colouir Syndrome. BCS, for those of you unfamiliar with the term, is when someone is badly injured on the last

posted: 03-01-2009
Ever wondered how Matt(Jump) keeps his figure trim. Well apparently the external unkempt slacker look hides the heart of an athlete.Matt has taken up jogging, you could say heís a night jogger.On many occasions in the early hours of the morning he can be found running from many locations back to either the bar or his accommodation in the portes de Courchevel. A

posted: 03-01-2009
On New Years eve Ben(Ski Higher) had just finished riding the Biolay chair. He started to descend the Pralong run Ben pocketed his packet of cigarettes.As his hand pushed the pack down their extra weight caused gravity to take a positive effect on his salopettes. Before long his legs and underwear were on display and despite, when fully clothed, being about to s